Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Is Voip - Will Voip Work For Me?

Basically VOIP is an emerging set of applications that enables you to make calls over the internet. This is enabled because your voice which starts out as analogue is switched into digital data. The switch is done by simply sampling your voice. In the process of sampling it divides the analogue sound into discrete steps. These steps are then assigned a numeric value.
Once this has been achieved your voice is then digitized and as a result of this it can be compressed. Once it is compressed it can be split into "packets" of around 1500 bytes. Then these packets can be transferred over the internet.
These packets not only contain your voice they also consist of information relative to the origin and the final destination. Along with that it also contains a timestamp. The logical reason for that is so that once the information reaches the final destination it can then be reassembled in the correct order and converted back into analogue.
The requirements in order for this to take place are as follows. Generally speaking you will need a broadband internet connection otherwise the information can have a time delay. On your computer you will need a phone or you can use your regular phone.
All you need to do in this case is plug it into a converter, which is like a small box -where you plug in your telephone on one side and your internet connection on the other. It really is that simple and for you the end user it can save you a lot of money in comparison to using your regular phone company
Learn more about voip benefits.
Learn more about Sip Termination and origination.
Learn more about starting your own VOIP business Internet Income Voip business.
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